

Our courses fall under a number of headings as below:

Lifelong learning is considered to enhance overall wellbeing. We never stop learning. As new life circumstances, stages and challenges arise it may be helpful to learn new ways to develop skills and knowledge to get the most out of life or to enable us to cope better. Also the kinds of courses we offer in the Family Centre may help you to experience the joy of learning about new and often interesting and exciting topics.

Personal Development

Knowing more about ourselves and how we interface with others and the world in general can help us to identify gifts and strengths and skills that we may not have known we had or which we can develop. This can bring a new joy to living and help us use some of the time we have in a constructive and engaging way.

Family and Parenting

Rearing children is perhaps one of the most important roles in our lifetime. Despite the love we hold for our children the day to day constant routine of life can take its toll on our ability to cope and manage. It can be exhausting and rewarding at the same time. Many parents often experience a lot of self-doubt as to whether they are parenting their children in the best way. We know too that even in the same household each child is so very different from the moment they are born. Their individual personalities can result in some children requiring much more “hard work” from parents than others. Learning skills about how best to help your child to negotiate the stages of growing up in a healthy and fulfilling way can be a great support and make it all the easier for ourselves and our children alike. Learning about setting good boundaries and how to deal with conflict is always helpful. Most of our Family and Parenting courses help parents and carers address these issues in a constructive and supportive manner.

Bereavement and Loss

Death is a hard and yet inevitable part of our lives. There is little that can compare with the pain of the death of somebody you love. For many people their lives and their emotions can be turned upside down at this time. For some people this can be so difficult that either bereavement counselling or bereavement support may be helpful. (Both of these services are available in the Family Centre). But for the majority they can navigate their way through the pain and loss with the help of family and friends. For still others attending a course on coping with bereavement, or attending a support group, may be the “best fit” for them. The death of somebody close to them can also bring up other past losses in their lives and perhaps now is the time to explore these too.

Professional Courses

Most of these courses are geared towards those who are working as counsellors / psychotherapists, psychologists and others in the caring professions. All of these roles require practitioners to upskill on a regular basis and our courses can often help them to do this without the need for travelling long distances to fulfil this requirement.

Faith and Spirituality

People of all spiritual or religious beliefs, or no such beliefs, can avail of any of the services of the Family Centre. The courses or groups we run under this heading are, however, largely of a Christian orientation and are focused on supporting individual or community spiritual growth and development. We also have a service for individual Spiritual Guidance/Direction.

The Family Centre is a non-profit organisation
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